This week is Spring Cleaning Week, a time when households across the U.K embark on the annual tradition of sprucing up their living spaces.

According to Online Sofa Shop, a staggering 93% of British households partake in this major spring clean each year. But, somewhat surprisingly, 87% confess to overlooking areas during this cleaning frenzy. While people focus on cleaning what they can see, several often forgotten spots around the home can accumulate dirt and grime. Neglecting these spots can create breeding grounds for bacteria which can have detrimental effects on our health.

This week is Spring Cleaning Week, a time when households across the U.K embark on the annual tradition of sprucing up their living spaces.

According to Online Sofa Shop, a staggering 93% of British households partake in this major spring clean each year. But, somewhat surprisingly, 87% confess to overlooking areas during this cleaning frenzy. While people focus on cleaning what they can see, several often forgotten spots around the home can accumulate dirt and grime. Neglecting these spots can create breeding grounds for bacteria which can have detrimental effects on our health.

Jeannette Hudson, furniture expert at Online Sofa Shop, reveals 10 spots to focus on during your next spring clean and how often they need cleaning:

Spring clean your sofa for a fresher look

  1. Door Handles: “Door knobs and handles are among the most frequently touched surfaces in any home, yet they’re one of the most overlooked. With each open and close, they become hotspots for gathering germs and bacteria. Wipe down handles with a disinfectant cleaner or sanitising wipe at least once a week, reducing the risk of spreading illness-causing pathogens.”
  2. Light Fixtures: “Remember to wipe down light fixtures during your next cleaning spree – they’re dust magnets. Over time, light fixtures accumulate dust, dead insects, and grime, leading to reduced brightness and a lackluster look. Remove light covers and gently clean them with a mild detergent solution every few months to restore brightness.”
  3. Sofa Cushions: “The crevices between sofa cushions are notorious for trapping dust, crumbs, and pet hair, creating a dirty environment. Remove the cushions at least once a month, and thoroughly wipe down or vacuum these areas with a brush attachment. For particularly tight spaces, a handheld vacuum can help to reach and remove trapped debris.”
  4. Top of Cabinets: “We tend to focus on eye-level surfaces, but dust loves to settle up high. Take a step stool and tackle the tops of cabinets every three to six months. A recent study by the Asthma & Allergy Foundation reveals that dust buildup on top of cabinets can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms in 62% of UK households.”
  5. Home Electronics: “Electronics like TVs, computers, and monitors attract dust easily, which not only affects their appearance but can worsen their performance and lifespan. Dust buildup on screens and vents can hinder airflow and heat dissipation, resulting in overheating. Turn them off and use a microfiber cloth (avoiding harsh chemicals) to gently remove dust.”
  6. Beneath Furniture: “Dust, pet hair, and even lost items tend to gather beneath furniture, contributing to poor air quality and potential allergens. Make it a monthly habit to shift sofas, beds, and cabinets to prevent buildup. Use a vacuum cleaner with a narrow attachment, or a duster to reach hard-to-reach spots and corners.”
  7. Window Tracks: “While many people clean their windows regularly, the tracks often go unnoticed. This simple maintenance task only needs to be done twice a year – ideally before the start of spring and autumn. Use a vacuum or brush to remove loose dirt and debris, followed by a damp cloth moistened with water or cleaning solution to remove any remaining grime.”
  8. Mattresses: “Mattresses can harbour dust mites, sweat, and dead skin cells, affecting your sleep quality and hygiene. Vacuum and rotate your mattress every six months and consider a mattress protector for added cleanliness. For stains or spots, spot-clean them using a mild detergent solution and a clean cloth. Blot the stain rather than rubbing it to avoid spreading the stain further.”
  9. Curtains: “Curtains collect dust, trap dust, and harbour allergens over time.  Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to launder or dry clean them, or use a handheld vacuum with an upholstery attachment to remove dust and debris. Aim to clean your curtains at least once every few months or as needed depending on their fabric and exposure to dust and odours.”
  10. Behind Appliances: “Areas behind fridges, freezers, and washing machines tend to collect dirt and grime, leading to potential odours and even pest infestations. Move them away from the wall to access the space every three months to maintain cleanliness, and use a vacuum cleaner with a narrow attachment or a duster to remove dust, dirt, and debris from the floor and walls.”