• The average person could save up to 50 per cent on shower water usage by changing to an eco-alternative
  • Online bathroom retailer Victoria Plum has researched how much money could be saved on water bills by switching to an eco-friendly bathroom
  • Through having an entire eco-friendly bathroom suite, up to £315 could be saved every year per household, totalling up to £8.9bn across the UK


The rising cost of living is showing no signs of slowing down across all household bills, including water which has risen 9.6 per cent on average across the UK this year.

It is becoming clear that UK residents are looking for ways to reduce their monthly outgoings on bills, with online searches for “reduce water bill” rising 46 per cent from June to July.

That’s why Victoria Plum decided to crunch the numbers and calculate how much people in the UK could save by switching to more eco-friendly products.

Findings showed that if every household in the nation installed an eco-friendly shower, it would reduce water output by 50 per cent, adding up to £3.65 billion based on 28.2 million houses at an average of 2.36 people per home and the average shower time of eight minutes.


Adam Chard at online bathroom retailer Victoria Plum shares these top tips to reduce your water bill:


Water-saving shower

The average shower length in the UK is eight minutes, typically using between 60 litres of water with a standard shower head, estimated to cost around 30p per shower. However, switching to more eco-friendly alternatives can half this figure.

With almost two-thirds of Brits (68 per cent) showering once per day, it would cost £109.50 per year for one person. Installing an eco shower would see this figure reduced to £54.75, which is a huge saving on water expenses, particularly as costs continue to rise.


Eco bathing

Freestanding baths have become more popular in the UK, averaging around 6,000 monthly searches over the last year according to search data. But in most cases, they often need 25 per cent more water to fill up compared to a standard, fitted bath.

Capacities for freestanding baths can range from 270 litres upwards, whereas fitted tubs typically hold a lot less (around 180-190 litres) and save space in the bathroom.

Based on filling the bath to two-thirds of its capacity, and the fact the average Brit takes three baths per week, it would cost £393 per year with a freestanding bath at 270 litres capacity compared to £275 for a fitted 180-litre tub, meaning savings of £118.


Dual flush toilets

Flushing the toilet is estimated to cost the average British household £100 per year, based on the average amount of flushes (5,000) costing 2p each time.

Installing a dual flush toilet can cut this by 67 per cent, based on the fact the ‘number one’ flush only uses three litres per flush, as opposed to six or seven that you would typically get with a standard flush toilet.


Smart meters

According to data from the UK government, 55 per cent of households in the country switched to a smart meter at the end of 2022. Statistics suggest that those on a smart meter use 17 per cent less water than households with no meter.


With the average water bill per household for the 2023/24 financial year estimated to grow 9.6 per cent to £448, a smart meter could reduce that by approximately £76.

To find out more visit: www.victoriaplum.com

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