Written by David Tyrer, Director, Rio Heating

As Brits, we are required to be obsessed with the weather. We talk about it, plan for it, think about it, and usually we moan about it too. Whilst we are not subject to too many weather extremes, a British winter can still be a cold one, and so it is important to make sure that your home is heated properly. Traditional systems are not always the most efficient, so now is the time to make your heating smart.

Here we look at the smart heating options available and how they can work for your home.

What are smart heating systems?

 Smart heating systems are becoming increasingly popular as they not only offer some terrific convenience but also saves you money and reduces your carbon footprint. The system connects to your thermostat and gives you the power to schedule when the heating should go on and off, but also to control it from anywhere.

You can pre-heat your home if you are returning earlier than expected, make sure there is hot water after a cold walk, or simply turn the thermostat up if the weather is colder than expected. They also allow you switch the heating off if you are not home at your normal time, keep things flowing to avoid burst pipes when you are away and turn the heating down on an unexpected warm day.

These systems are fantastic for everyone to use. Whether it is a busy family who are constantly coming and going, a couple working shifts that never seem to be the same or an elderly pensioner who is concerned with costs, these heating systems can provide a massive benefit for anyone.

Heating flexibility

 This flexibility means your heating is only ever on when you need it, and often if it is used correctly, it does not need to be used as much. This means it can make a significant impact on the cost of your heating, with many people saving 10-20% on their heating bills.

Many smart systems have their own energy saving features to help this even further. They can detect when people are home and adjust the heating accordingly, and allow you to control which rooms are heated, meaning you are not wasting energy on rooms which are not being used, and directing the heat exactly to where it is needed.

Many systems also have temperature sensors and even internet access to allow them to see weather forecasts, meaning the system itself can monitor what you need and adjust it accordingly, without you even having to lift a finger. They know when people are at home, can tell when temperatures in certain rooms are dropping and can turn things off when the sun is predicted to come out.

Energy usage

 We are all looking to save energy, whether it is for the benefit of our bank balance or the planet, and smart heaters allow you to keep a track of this. They give you a running tally of what you are using, which means you can budget for the bills you expect or reduce your usage but throwing on an extra layer, if you feel you need to.

Smart heating is exactly what it says. It is a cleverer way to heat your home that the usual heating systems that we have become used to. They give you control in every way you could possibly want and are capable of stepping in to help you out and make sure that your home is always comfortable and energy efficient, without costing you a penny more than it needs to.


About the author

David Tyrer is the Director of Rio Heating and has over 30 years’ experience in creating smart heating & technology, designed to be enjoyed with smart home devices.

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